Protein: Q9Y3E5

UniprotKB AC UniprotKB ID Gene name Full name Species Curated set
Q9Y3E5 (Uniprot) PTH2_HUMAN PTRH2 Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 2, mitochondrial human Yes
Uniprot: The natural substrate for this enzyme may be peptidyl-tRNAs which drop off the ribosome during protein synthesis.Promotes caspase-independent apoptosis by regulating the function of two transcriptional regulators, AES and TLE1.

Function 1: Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. The natural substrate for this enzyme may be peptidyl-tRNAs which drop off the ribosome during protein synthesis. Condition: mitochondrion localisation.

Function 2: Apoptosis promoter, binds transcriptional co-repressors (AES and TLE1). Condition: cytoplasmic localisation (during apoptosis).

Publications (PMID): 15006356

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