Protein: P19414

UniprotKB AC UniprotKB ID Gene name Full name Species Curated set
P19414 (Uniprot) ACON_YEAST ACO1 Aconitate hydratase, mitochondrial yeast Yes
Uniprot: Catalyzes the isomerization of citrate to isocitrate via cis-aconitate, a step in the citric acid cycle. Can also provide minor contributions to the reversible dehydration of (R)-homocitrate to cis-homoaconitate, a step in the alpha-aminoadipate pathway for lysine biosynthesis. Plays also an essential role in mtD more..

Function 1: Aconitase.

Function 2: Maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (independent of its catalytic activity).

Publications (PMID): 18322039, 15692048

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